The second collection of ADA Ninjaz NFTs released was the Atsuko Clan. The Season 2 Atsuko NFTs are a collection of 8,888 2D algorithmically generated NFTs. They launched on the 4th of February 2022.
Holders of the ADA Ninjaz Clan NFTs are eligible for voting rights on two key elements:
1. General operations
2. ADA Ninjaz story, lore, and world creation
Holders of the Atsuko Clan NFTs receive a Clan-specific utility:
1. Double voting rights for storytelling, lore and world creation
General Operations[]
By owning an ADA Ninjaz Clan NFT, you are able to vote for how you would like certain things to proceed. For example, the current manga format being read from left to right is the direct result of voting by the community.
Other aspects that the community is able to vote on includes but is not limited to: the development of roadmap items, such as merchandising, music, or adding and removing various channels on the official Discord server.
ADA Ninjaz Story, Lore, and World Creation[]
By owning an ADA Ninjaz Clan NFT, you are able to create your own NPC to populate the world of Ninava, vote on major decisions that will influence the story, creating lore and having them become canon, as well as being able to create and share fan fiction that may be included in the manga/anime in the future.
Atsuko Clan Exclusive Utility: Double Voting Rights for Lore and World Creation[]
Atsuko NFT holders receive double voting rights to influence the lore and world creation of Ninava.
Discord Roles[]
On the official ADA Ninjaz Discord, once you have verified your wallet you will receive a special Discord role based on how many Atsuko NFTs you hold. These roles determine your voting power in both story progression and governance decisions.
- Aku (1 Atsuko)
1 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 2 votes in lore and world creation
- Zenaku (2-4 Atsuko)
3 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 6 votes in lore and world creation
- Youkai (5-9 Atsuko)
7 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 14 votes in lore and world creation
- Akki (10-19 Atsuko)
15 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 30 votes in lore and world creation
- Akuma (20-29 Atsuko)
25 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 50 votes in lore and world creation
- Tenma (30-39 Atsuko)
35 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 70 votes in lore and world creation
- Yami (40-49 Atsuko)
45 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 90 votes in lore and world creation
- Kira (50-59 Atsuko)
55 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 110 votes in lore and world creation
- Akui (60-69 Atsuko)
65 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 130 votes in lore and world creation
- Zankoku (70-79 Atsuko)
75 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 150 votes in lore and world creation
- Satsujin (80-89 Atsuko)
85 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 170 votes in lore and world creation
- Shi (90-99 Atsuko)
95 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 190 votes in lore and world creation
- Nikushimi (100+ Atsuko)
100 vote in clan wars and governance decisions, 200 votes in lore and world creation
For more information, visit the ADA Ninjaz Whitepaper.
Policy ID: 83cb87b69639e20d7c99755fcfc310fb47882c3591778a3c869ea34c